• PYP的标志

    米切尔小学 School 被授权为 世界学校标志 World School by the International Baccalaureate Organization to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP). 

    学生 and families who want an exceptional educational experience choose the PYP at Mitchell because it includes

    • 六个学科领域: langu年龄, mathematics, science, social studies, arts, and physical and health education
    • A track record of success with a wide variety of students, learners and families
    • Support from our partnershipUniversity of Michigan School of Education
    • A balanced approach to instruction 包括定义 social emotional learning strategies through the use of:
    • Student developed inquiries: investigations and experiences about important ideas that allow for a high level of eng年龄ment
    • Student experiences that connect to local and global communities我们是谁?, where are we in place and time, how we express ourselves, 世界是如何运转的, how we organize ourselves, 共享地球
    • World langu年龄 instruction: students in Kindergarten through grade 2 learn Spanish while students in grade 3 through grade 5 choose between Spanish and Arabic
    • The Fifth Grade Exhibition: students carry out an extended, collaborative inquiry project with teacher guidance.

    For more Primary Years Programme information, please visit our 家长资源 section. 





